European Schoolnet (EUN) is a network of 31 Ministries of Education in Europe and beyond. EUN was created more than 10 years ago with the aim to bring about innovation in teaching and learning to its key stakeholders: Ministries of Education, schools, teachers and researchers.
European Schoolnet’s activities are divided among three areas of work:
- Policy, research and innovation
- Schools services
- Learning resource exchange and interoperability
European Schoolnet has established a strategic position as a European platform for schools to achieve effective use of technologies in teaching and learning, promote the European dimension in education, develop new pedagogical approaches and equip teachers and learners with new skills and raise interest in subjects such as maths, science and technology. Many thousands of schools are engaged in our programmes. European Schoolnet has particularly worked on enhancing cooperation across Europe between schools, as the coordinator of the EU's eTwinning Central Support Service and the promotion of the European dimension in education (myEurope, Spring Day for Europe).
Current Projects
Educational Netbook Pilot
Siamo davvero lieti di darvi il benvenuto al Progetto Pilota Netbook Education promosso da
Acer e European Schoolnet! Ci auguriamo che questa sia per voi un’opportunità stimolante per imparare come l’utilizzo del netbook possa essere un valido supporto al vostro insegnamento e all’apprendimento dei vostri studenti. Il progetto pilota rappresenta anche un’occasione per Acer e European Schoolnet per capire meglio come la tecnologia possa essere sfruttata in modo ottimale per le vostre esigenze pedagogiche. Le linee guida riportate di seguito sono pensate per:
• Fornirvi una descrizione generale del progetto pilota e dei suoi obiettivi
• Fornirvi una tempistica per l’attuazione del progetto pilota
• Aiutarvi a capire le diverse fasi nelle quali sarete coinvolti e il supporto che riceverete
Updated version of the Teacher's Guide available
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